1 About us
Established in March 2020, the Community Hub has continued to operate as an agile team with capability and commitment to support West Sussex residents and communities.
Since the start, the Community Hub has had the ability to adapt and deliver a variety of workstreams and initiatives, translating policy and scheme requirements into quality service delivery at pace.
The Community Hub is required to be ready to operate flexibly; currently the opening hours are 9.00am to 5.00pm, 7 days a week, including bank holidays. The requirement is dictated by the particular demands being placed upon the service.
2 What we do
The Community Hub supports West Sussex residents, acting as the front door 365 days a year for information, advice and guidance.
The Community Hub receives and processes general support enquiries, as well as more specific queries and applications around the schemes it supports. Currently these include the Household Support Fund, the Homes for Ukraine Scheme and Smoke Free West Sussex.
For more information on any of these, select the links provided, or complete one of the application forms.
3 Useful links
Government links
- Cost of living hub (GOV.UK)
- WSCC Cost of living
- Household Support Fund guidance (GOV.UK)
District and borough links
Adur and Worthing
- Help with money worries (Crawley Borough Council)
- Crawley Borough Council support - West Sussex Energy
Mid Sussex
Carers support
If you need to talk or find information about what is happening locally, Carers Support West Sussex can offer you guidance and a listening ear. Their fully trained staff can be contacted via email, telephone or online chat.
You do not need to be in a caring role to benefit from this service.
For further information, advice and guidance, contact the Community Hub.
4 Household Support Fund
From 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025, the UK Government is providing funding through the Household Support Fund. This funding is used to support low-income households with the rising cost of living, including energy, food and essential bills.
The Community Hub is administering the application-based element of the fund.
5 Homes for Ukraine
West Sussex County Council (WSCC) is supporting eligible families, couples and individuals leaving Ukraine in response to the current situation in the country.
The Community Hub supports elements of administration for the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, booking visits, scheduling payments and acting as the front door for information, advice and guidance around the scheme.
6 Cost of living
The Community Hub offers practical support and advice to anyone who needs support with the cost of living.
7 Privacy notice
You can find details about how we use and manage your personal data on our privacy notice.
Community Hub privacy notice8 Contact details
For general enquiries, including information, advice and support, complete this online form:
Contact the Community Hub online (external link)To apply for support under the Household Support Fund, complete this online form:
Household Support Fund application or request for support (external link)