Business continuity checklist

Complete this form to help you assess how your business is prepared for an emergency.

Business continuity checklist

Instructions and business continuity details

This form will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Please allow yourself enough time to complete this form in one session as there is not an option to save and come back to it later.

Anything that affects your ability to maintain production and services may have a serious impact on your business’s reputation and its finances. The way in which you plan for and respond to events such as fire, flooding, vandalism, loss of utilities and such like will determine how quickly and to what level your business can recover and thrive.

Planning in this way is known as a Business Continuity Management. West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service are looking to support businesses by providing information on how to reduce the impact of a disruptive event.

More information on business continuity and fire safety advice is available from the following links:

- Business Continuity (WSCC) (opens in new window)
- Coast to Capital (opens in new window)
- Business in the community (opens in new window).

Your data privacy

Before completing this form please read our general Privacy Policy (opens in a new window).

This explains why we ask for your data, what we do with it and how long we will keep it. It also explains how you can find out what data we hold about you and how you can ask us to delete it.

Your details

Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.
Enter an email address where we can write to you.

Your business details

Enter your business name.
Enter your building name or number.
Enter the first line of your business address. This could be the street name.
Enter the second line of your business address if you need to. This could be the village name.
Enter the town or city of your business postal address.
Enter your business postcode, with or without spaces.
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