Disclaimer - Promotional Events

The council will only promote events that are within West Sussex. All events are listed at the sole discretion of the council and we reserve the right to reject or withdraw the listing of any event without explanation.

Whilst we endeavour to provide up-to-date and accurate information, we will not accept liability for the accuracy or currency of the information provided by third parties or for the content on any linked or related websites.

Listings of promotional events on the website should not be taken as an endorsement of that event of any kind by the council.

The council will not accept liability for any consequences arising from your attendance at the events described. Before attending any event, we recommend you contact the event organiser, using the contact details provided, to confirm dates, locations and other important information relating to the event.

The council does not accept liability for the failure of any communications resulting from access to the site or linked sites. The council does not guarantee communications will be secure or error free, as information may be intercepted, corrupted, amended, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete or contain viruses. The council does not accept liability for any such matters or their consequences.

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